Easy Guide: Best Way To Clean Hot Tub Filters

We all love our relaxing moments in the hot tub, don’t we? To keep those times as enjoyable as possible, it’s crucial to have clean water. This straightforward guide outlines the best way to clean your hot tub filters. Follow these tips to keep your hot tub filters working like new.

Hot Tub Filter showing a lot of dirt due to it not being cleaned Why Does Hot Tub Filter Care Matter?

Your hot tub filter traps things you’d rather not think about: hair, dead skin, and bits of lotion. Clean filters equal clean water, simple as that. If you ignore filter care, you’re inviting grime and bacteria into your tub. Don’t let your filter end up like this one!

Simple Weekly Rinse: Get Rid of the Obvious

  • Take the filter out.
  • Wash it with tap water.
  • Put it back in.

That’s your quick weekly fix to get rid of everyday grime. You don’t need anything fancy; a hose works fine. Just avoid strong water jets to prevent damaging the filter.

Deep Clean Every Month: The Best Way to Clean Hot Tub Filters

A monthly deep clean makes your hot tub filters last longer and work better. Here’s how:

  1. Switch off your hot tub.
  2. Take out the filter.
  3. Soak it in our specialised filter cleaner.
  4. Let it sit overnight.
  5. Wash and dry.
  6. Put it back.

Your hot tub’s manual may have some extra tips or specific guidance.
If you are unsure, feel free to email us support@blackdiamondspas.co.uk.

Hot Tub Technician removing a water filter.

DIY Cleaners: Good or Bad?

People often ask “What is the best thing to clean hot tub filters with?”
They are often referring to homemade cleaners like vinegar or bleach.
Do they work? Kind of.
Are they as reliable as store-bought solutions? No.


Pro: Cheap and tackles hard water.
Con: Can’t handle heavy grime.


Pro: Kills germs fast.
Con: Weakens the filter if used often.

Laundry Detergent

Pro: Easy to find.
Con: Leaves foam if not rinsed well.

Dishwasher: Yes or No?

Ever thought of throwing the filter in the dishwasher?
Not a good idea.
Dishwashers can damage the filter’s fibres and leave residues.

Bonus Tips for Extra Clean Filters

  • Keep a spare hot tub water filter ready.
  • Keep the water levels in check or simply use our Aqua Excellent bestseller.
  • Rinse off lotions and gels before using the hot tub.
  • Stick to gentle brushes for cleaning.

There you have it—the best way to clean a hot tub filter, outlined in a simple, easy-to-follow guide. Follow these steps, and you’ll be set for many more relaxing moments in your hot tub.

Picture of Jake


I'm Jake Keller, a seasoned Sales Director with 7 years of experience in the industry. I'm proud to have played a pivotal role in developing our bestselling Monaco 2 Lounger hot tub and orchestrating our move to a larger unit in 2018 due to rapid growth.

I oversee all sales and manufacturing operations, drawing on my extensive knowledge of hot tubs' technical aspects, particularly in electrical components.

With a BSc in Sports Science, I bring a unique perspective to the industry. I'm committed to expanding my presence in the digital space.

Picture of Jake


I'm Jake Keller, a seasoned Sales Director with 7 years of experience in the industry. I'm proud to have played a pivotal role in developing our bestselling Monaco 2 Lounger hot tub and orchestrating our move to a larger unit in 2018 due to rapid growth.

I oversee all sales and manufacturing operations, drawing on my extensive knowledge of hot tubs' technical aspects, particularly in electrical components.

With a BSc in Sports Science, I bring a unique perspective to the industry. I'm committed to expanding my presence in the digital space.

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